Saturday, October 4, 2014

Past Cell Phones I have had 2001-2014

Cellular Phones of the Past (that I owned)

October 4, 2014

People of my particular generation have seen the drastic evolution of cell phones since the Nokia 5120 (The old Nokia bar phone of 2000), and I thought I would share with you the ones (good and bad) that I have had through the years. They really have come a long way, yet somehow I miss the simplicity they once offered, or perhaps I am just being swept down through memory lane. Here we go.

I go my first cell phone when I was 15 in 2001, it was right before my 16 birthday in September I think, yep, cause that was the month I got my first car. ( Which I will share down the road the long list of chunk bite i've taken from the auto industry HAHA)

A Nokia 5120, known to many at the time as well

 Next in 2002 I upgraded to the next popular flip phone at the time... The Motorola V60 

 Next in 2004, my Senior year in High School I got this lil phone, it was tiny, and my first phone to have color display, no camara, or bluetooth yet HAHA

I had that lil phone forever til the keys couldnt be seen anymore, I bought a Nokia 6101, this time this one had a camara, and I think the big thing was MP3 ringtones..... YEP! it was an ok phone to my recollection. Oh and mine was black too hehe

In 2007 I was dying (like everyone else) to get a Motorola RAZR so my mom bought me one for Christmas, gosh these were a piece of crap, but I still loved it

Next phone down the line in 2008 was a Nokia 2760, nothing special but was a durable phone I remember

Moving on to 2009 I bought my first touchscreen phone, I remember how excited I was, touchscreen was still relatively expensive so I remember paying out a lil on this one, it was the best phone ever too, it wouldnt die!

In 2011 Mom and I both bought new phones, I bought a Samsung Captivate with Android platform, and by far this was the worst phone in quality ever! lots of bugs for sure, cool looking phone though

After only having the Captivate a year, I bought a Black berry curve that was a few years old to go as a go phone, it was actually a good phone, mine was maroon, loved the color actually!

After it finally died I switched carriers to Metro PCS and bought a ZTE Avid with the Android 4.1 platform, it was a great phone, though still had a few bugs in it, OH it was also my first 4G LTE phone, that was great!

And finally to my current phone, a Nokia Lumia 521, its not my favorite out of all the phones I have had, but its doing the job kinda, it has so much potential but just not there. It is the first and only Windows phone I will have.

It still amazes me how just the phones I have had, have evolved just from my first Nokia in 2001. Technology is something else

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Job Interview News

Job Interview News

September 28, 2014

Friday I finally received a call from an HR Manager from Medical Center in Nacogdoches, that I have been trying to get in contact with for over 2 weeks now, and he wanted to do a quick phone questionnaire, which was very smooth, as we was a very nice gentleman. After we spoke he wanted to schedule an interview for the position of Patient Access Rep (working the in Admissions and Scheduling)for Tuesday. I am kind of excited about this job, it is still in the healthcare field, where this kind of job is steady ( bummer care wont affect this position) and it pay well, and should have great benefits, I am sure of! Here goes, I will find out Tuesday I am sure!

Kory Russell

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Another day in "Paradise"

Another Day in "Paradise"

September 24, 2014

Well, today was a typical day in the Russell home, except Mom had to go to the doctor. I was kinda bored so I watched a few episodes of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. It's a real good show that I enjoy that is clean, and appears on Up (Uplifting Entertainment) channel. Which is one of my more favorite channels to watch. 

So anyways, I am still looking for a new job, at least while on Unemployment I can look for a really good job, one with good benefits, that pays decently. I get so tired of being depressed cause I can't pay my bills. Anyways, nothing new, but I will be discussing a very sorted subject in my next blog. It is driving me crazy, and I, being friendless, will talk about it in the way I want here. 

Kory Russell

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Fair View on Child Abuse

A Fair View on Child Abuse

September 18, 2014

 If you knew me, you would know that while I keep up with main stream news ( Fox News Channel only), I could completely care less on keeping up with the stars, including athletes and musicians. 

This brings me to the recent news on Adrian Peterson, football star for the Minnesota Vikings team. He has been indicted for child abuse on disciplining his own child. Now before any heehaw starts here, I am not for beating a child for his wrong doings, I AM, however, for spanking a child, for his rightful punishment. There is a fine line between the both, a very large fine line. 

My mother, raised my brother and I with a leather belt and and few other objects of pain, she never abused us, if anything she spoiled us rotten, but we were still just the same, kids! I never once in my whole childhood thought I was being abused, because I knew that once I did something wrong, what the consequence once, of course, being a child, you tend to do something anyway just to try and get away with it, and don;t consider the severity of the coming punishment til it happens. 

My mother would literally wear my brother and I out with that belt, and Oh by the way it had metal decor on it, YES it hurt like crap, and she would leave marks, and whelps, but was it child abuse? NO! It was an appropriate punishment for her children that had done wrong! 

This politically correct gar-bage, that leaving marks on a child is ridiculous, now remember the fine line spoken of earlier! 

While I am not for what the media is reporting Adrian Peterson did ( the distance he went I mean,) I am appalled that the government, and other entities are sticking their noses (and should be rear ends) where they do not belong as usual. The government has this mentality that they literally can insert themselves wherever, whenever they want, and that is a major issue with me. 

I do believe, of course, Mr. Peterson, should be reprimanded for what he did to his child, but not interfering with his career, and public defamation. 

This kind of governmental abuse will continue til someone does something, period! My way of doing something is speaking out like this article, and I think many more should.
May I remind you of the generations before us who got punished much more harshly and when you went to school, the kids only knew you got in trouble at home, not that you were being abused! My mother, herself, has told me a few of the ways she, and her siblings, were punished, and it really was a lot worse than what I got. Yet, look at how much more of the percentage of those generations are more disciplined, and respectful. Its a complete opposite of the snot nosed brats you want to punish youself in the store, when they are throwing hissy fits, and bad mouthing their mother in front of God and everyone.

Bottom Line, dont assume a parent is abusing their child, just cause they may leave a mark (not bruises and hurting a child to to the point of medical attention). They have the right to discipline their child(ren) in a way they believe should be in order to correct a mistake, and punish them for something they did wrong. 

That is my opinion, and I am firmly rooted in it! 

Kory Russell

Saturday, September 6, 2014

On the Job Hunt

One the Job Hunt

September 6, 2014

So I have been looking for a new job since the two Home Health agencies cannot find me any patients. I am really getting worried, cause I mean, I have bills like everyone else, and just cause they cannot find me any patients does not mean that I can just kick back and relax ya know. I saw a job posting for a Financial Lender with a small lending company in Lufkin I really thought was interesting, but I got an email from them this morning, saying the job was filling already. I was like man! So I am bugging the HR up at Elliott Electric Co to consider my resume for a Inventory Specialist, It looked like a good job, and a good company to work for too. I guess we will see. I have been praying for God to help me find a job, and I know he won't let me down. In the mean time, I am going to keep trying, I have nothing else to do. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Repo day has September

"Repo Day has come"

September 3, 2014

Repo Day has come.... My truck, "The Cowboy," is leaving me, all of a reason that I made bad choices lately as usually and was unable to pay my note. I am really depressed, and even though Mom has tried to make me feel better, I feel all the worse! I let myself down, my pride down, and my belief in myself that I could be financially responsible. I cannot describe the depth of sadness I feel right now. It may not be a brand new truck that is being taken from me, but the principle of the matter was that I finally had made my first full size truck purchase and was so proud of it, dents, dings, dash parts hanging, and all! It was a statement that I finally did it! Now it is all a memory for me to remember. I only had the truck for almost 6 months but it was nice while it lasted. Filling up the radiator with water to go across town every time I used it, and taking my trash up to the front of the street to be picked up, taking my weedeater, blower and stuff to mow my aunts yard, all fond ( weird on the first one because I could never afford to replace the radiator) memories. 

Life sucks the way it happens sometimes, but God's word does say, when he closed one door, he will open another. 

Goodbye Cowboy, it was fun and entertaining while it lasted


Monday, September 1, 2014

Depressing Labor Day 2014

September 1, 2014

A Horrible depressing Labor Day

I don't know why I am starting another blog, I always loose interest or something happens in life and I never have enough time. Lets try again!

This is summer has been the worst besides 2011 where I was completely unemployed and it was hot as hell outside, and everything was dead, kind of how I feel now days. 

2011, WOW how much has changed since then, I don't have the same friend(s), and different physical, health, spiritual, and emotional setting now. I no longer have any friends for a few years now, booted the last guy as my "best friend" in 2012 for good, cause we just were not going to ever see eye to eye on the most crucial ordeals you need for a solid friendship. Anyways....

I have been in the worst depression possible lately, I am really thankful my Doctor prescribed me Ativan, it has really helped in my anxiety, and while they were prescribed for chronic headaches ( I have them many times a week most of my life) they have really really helped on my anxiety level, but my depression is getting worse. I think it is cause my pain in my back is getting worse. 

See, I have a back injury from back in the days when I worked offshore and then worked a few years delivering heavy furniture and appliances for Rent A Center, the result was 3 lumbar herniations and probable 1-3 upper herniations, haven't had an upper MRI yet. I refuse to go on disability cause I can still work RIGHT NOW, but my condition is getting worse, and the pain meds are getting weaker and weaker, and I am just sucombing to them for a fix all, and its NOT WORKING! I want to have back surgery and try for a better life, but without insurance or a large influx of income, that is not going to happen. 

I am trying so hard to be strong, but its not working either, I cry at various times of the day, because of the condition of my life, I get irritated easily cause of the pain, and have come to the place, where financially I am stressed out. I need help! It is only the help that God can give, but I guess I will have to keep praying, cause right now nothing is happening

Thats all I feel like writing now, 

Kory Russell